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Bonnet Stuff

Bonnet lip, removal to look like a MK1 bonnet

I removed the lip at the front edge of the bonnet (you know the one, the lip that holds the chrome grille top piece on). Removing this strip is harder than it looks, because you don't want to damage the bonnet. The strip is spot welded to the bonnet at about 10 points along its length. This made it tricky to grind off or to use a chisel to break the welds. I found quite a neat way to get the strip off. Cut the visible sticking out bit off with an angle grinder, then use some long nose pliers and simply roll the strip off, a bit like opening a sardine tin with the key. As you roll the metal up it breaks the welds and leaves no metal and no damage to the bonnet underneath. Quick clean up and spray with some paint and got myself a Mk1 style bonnet! All I need now is the 90 quid grille to go with it! :-(

Which bonnets fit which Marks?

Mark 1s and 2s have the bonnet hinges mounted further in towards the centre of the car. A mark 2 bonnet will fit a mark one, but a mark 2 has the lip on the front of the bonnet which would need to be removed. A mark 3 bonnet will not fit a mark one or mark 2. Conversely a mark 1 or 2 bonnet will not fit a Mk3 onwards.

Vehicle MKI Bonnet MKII Bonnet MKIII Bonnet
MKI Yes Yes (remove lip) No
MKII Yes Yes No

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Footer SSI Insert revised: 23-Feb-2016

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Footer SSI Insert revised: 23-Feb-2016