Article on The Internet Mini Encyclopædia

Header SSI Insert revised (no index tag!): 22-Feb-2016

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Co-efficient of drag (Cd) values

Sourced from the "Race & Rally Car Source Book" Allan Staniforth ISBN 0-85429-848-7 (Haynes F848)

Model Cd Frontal Area (sq-ft)
Mini 848cc standard 0.485 20.4 (ex showroom roadtest)
Mini Cooper 997cc 0.53 20.4 (ex showroom roadtest)
Mini Cooper 1071cc 0.51 20.4 (ex showroom roadtest)
Downton Mini 1088cc 0.515 19.7 (lowered 2in)
Mini 1275cc 0.49 20.4
Full race Mini 1293cc 0.525 19.7
BL Metro MG 0.39 22.1
F1 0.54 - 0.765 ~10

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Footer SSI Insert revised: 23-Feb-2016