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Header SSI Insert revised (no index tag!): 22-Feb-2016

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Gear change theory

Here is an explanation: (the figures are made up, but should be about right)

Gear MPH range MPH gained Time (s) mph/sec (effective acceleration)
(v. low) 0-5 5 3 1.67
1st 0-15 15 5 3
2nd 15-35 20 6 3.33
3rd 35-70 35 10 3.5
4th 70-100 30 20 1.5
(v.high) 70-100 30 40 0.75

Therefore you gain more speed per second OVERALL (not peak or average) in 3rd. The reason behind this is that the actual act of changing gear takes a second or two, and this has more effect on the time in lower gears.

I always find I'm 'mucking around' in 1st and 2nd, but 3rd is the gear where I can really let the car go and watch the speedo rise.

With a longer diff 2nd would be better than 3rd. Depends on your setup.

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Footer SSI Insert revised: 23-Feb-2016