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Header SSI Insert revised (no index tag!): 22-Feb-2016

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Haynes Manuals

The best Haynes manuals are the older ones.

I have both new and old and although the older one only covers models up to 1975, it makes an invaluable supplement to the new one which fully covers my (`86) model.

The older manual places less influence on regular servicing and has more in depth overhaul procedures, including a full gearbox overhaul which was omitted in the new manual.

The older manual also has lots of useful photographs, rather than sometimes sketchy diagrams (or nothing at all). The diagrams that are included in the older manual are well drawn, invaluable and cover virtually every aspect of the car.

If you can get hold of an older Haynes mini manual (or any other car manual for that matter) from second hand book shops etc, it is well worth the effort.

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Footer SSI Insert revised: 23-Feb-2016